姓名 石振       
  • 职称:讲师

  • 联系电话:

  • 电子邮件:shizhen988@126.com

  • 联系地址:国家重点实验室419




(1) 2017-4至现在, 青岛大学, 纺织服装学院轻化系, 讲师

(2) 2015-1至2017-4, 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所, 合成橡胶重点实验室, 助理研究员、博士后

(3) 2011-8至2013-8, 美国内布拉斯加州林肯大学, 教育和人文学院纺织、商品及时尚设计系, 访问学者

(4) 2005-7至2006-7, 山东济宁嘉达纺织有限公司(如意集团), 染色间, 工艺工程师


美国化学会(ACS)与美国纺织化学家和染色家协会(AATCC)会员,为International Journal of Polymer Science、Carbohydrate Polymers、Journal of Cleaner Production、Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics、textile research journal 等SCI期刊审稿人。


主持江苏省普通高校科研创新项目1项,江南大学博士科研基金项目1项,参加国家重点研发计划项目1项,美国大豆协会科研项目(United Soybean Board)1项,美国农业部多州联合科研项目(USDA Multistate Research Project)1项,江苏省科技支撑计划(农业部分)1项;申请发明专利5项,已授权3项;2017年获中国纺织工业联合会科技进步奖一等奖;


(1) Shi Zhen; Reddy Narendra; Shen Li; Hou Xiuliang; Yang Yiqi*; Grafting

soyprotein isolates with various methacrylates for thermoplastic applications

, Industrial Crops and Products, 2014, 60: 168-176. (期刊论文)

(2) Shi, Zhen; Reddy, Narendra; Hou, Xiuliang; Yang, Yiqi*; Development and

Characterization of Thermoplastics from Corn Distillers Grains Grafted with

Various Methacrylates , Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(

36): 13963-13970. (期刊论文)

(3) Shi, Zhen; Reddy, Narendra; Shen, Li; Hou, Xiuliang; Yang, Yiqi*; Effec

ts of Monomers and Homopolymer Contents on the Dry and Wet Tensile Properties of Starch Films Grafted with Various Methacrylates , Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62(20): 4668-4676. (期刊论文)

(4) Shi, Zhen; Reddy, Narendra; Hou, Xiuliang; Yang, Yiqi*; Tensile Properties of Thermoplastic Feather Films Grafted with Different Methacrylates , ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2014, 2(7): 1849-1856. (期刊论文)

(5) Reddy, Narendra; Shi, Zhen; Xu, Helan; Hou, Xiuliang; Yang, Yiqi*; Deve

lopment of wheat glutenin nanoparticles and their biodistribution in mice, Jour

nal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2015, 103(5): 1653-1658. (期刊论文)


(1) 侯秀良; 潘刚伟; 石振; 刘启国; 黄丹; 农作物秸秆纤维生态复合材料的制备方法, 2011-6-8, 中国, CN201010559671.3. (专利)

(2) 侯秀良; 崔建宝; 石振; 高海燕; 高卫东; 一种医用棉纱布改性方法, 2010-11-24, 中国, CN201010221203.5. (专利)